04 Oct The Treatment of Neck Pain using Acupuncture and Herbs
One of the most common reasons for doctor visits is neck pain. It is estimated that approximately 1 million people suffer with chronic neck pain. Acupuncture is becoming more widely accepted in the treatment of pain in recent years and is recognized for the treatment of neck pain, as it has historically been a proven and effective treatment in neck pain.
In Chinese Medicine, pain is said to be caused by the stagnation of either Qi (energy) or blood in the body. When the energy gets stuck it results in pain. If a person is experiencing Qi stagnation they are more likely to experience a mild or achy pain, whereas pain due to blood stagnation is sharp, more severe in nature, in a fixed location, or a stabbing sensation. Acupuncture is effective in either scenario and has the unique ability to regulate the circulation of Qi and restore blood flow through painful areas.
How does acupuncture work?
It works by regulating the flow of Qi throughout the meridian system, which is seen as a network that distributes Qi and blood throughout the body. The meridians correspond to the major organs of the body. However, it is important to recognize that when we talk about the spleen or heart in Chinese medicine, it does not have the same literal meaning it does in Western Medicine. What that means is that while reading a discussion on an imbalance with the heart, it does not meant that there is something wrong with the heart in regards to Western Medicine. It just means that at the energetic level of Chinese Medicine, we see an imbalance and seek to correct it.
Within the meridian system, the urinary bladder runs vertical from head to toe and along the nape of the neck. Therefore it is considered a primary channel to treat in neck pain. Depending on where your pain is, that will determine which organ system needs to opened up to clear the blockage. The energetics of the bladder meridian relate to fear, anxiety, ambition, will power, and urgency. Therefore, many people with neck pain also have deeper layers of fear that need to be released, either from whiplash as it occurs in a car accident, or in relating to the daily life circumstances and stresses. The Qi often gets stuck around the bladder point at the nape of the neck, which also happens to be a point that is key point for clearing fear and anxiety. .
While acupuncture is an excellent treatment option for all kinds of neck pain, Chinese herbs are used often used in tandem for a more complete approach. One of the formulas I use on a regular basis has been found to be 92% effective in Chinese hospitals for treating all kinds of neck pain. Another one is often used for neck pain due to the onset of a cold, but has been applied for many types of chronic neck pain as well. This formula has also been found to be useful for helping chiropractic adjustments hold for longer periods of time. The last one I use the most in my practice helps with neck and upper back tension due to excessive stress and worry
Meditation and yoga can be helpful as well. In my practice, I find that people with chronic neck and upper back pain have a tendency to breathe superficially. Retraining yourself to breathe deeply will help oxygenate muscle tissue and provides much needed oxygen and blood to be sent to the painful areas to help you heal faster. Regular yoga is also beneficial for most kinds of chronic neck pain.
The poses listed below offer a direct action on creating space between the cervical discs and releasing muscle tension through the neck and upper back:
- downward dog
- bridge pose
- standing forward bend
- plow
- shoulder stand
Most patients feel much better after an acupuncture treatment not just in treating their neck pain but also in their overall health and wellbeing.