
Welcome to Kirkland Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, where we specialize in all-natural aesthetics and redefine beauty through the transformational power of radiofrequency microneedling in synergy with microcurrent – a combination that goes beyond traditional facial rejuvenation.

Our mission is to help you feel confident and radiant from the inside out, using the transformative power of radiofrequency microneedling and microcurrent therapy.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure that harnesses your body’s natural healing abilities to unveil your skin’s radiant potential.

At its core, microneedling involves the use of fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries, triggering a cascade of positive benefits. This process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, the building blocks of youthful skin.

What Can Microneedling Do For You?

As we age, we lose the ability to create our own collagen, which is why more people are looking to the natural advantages of microneedling.

These advantages include improved skin texture, reduction of fine lines, and enhanced skin firmness – all without the need for synthetic or toxic substances.

At our clinic, we offer radiofrequency microneedling, an advanced form of facial rejuvenation which combines traditional microneedling with radiofrequency energy.

Benefits of Radiofrequency Microneedling

Radiofrequency MicroneedlingThis cosmetic procedure elevates the health benefits of microneedling to a new level. Not only does it stimulate collagen production, but it also tightens the skin, offering a comprehensive solution for a more youthful and revitalized appearance.

When combining radiofrequency microneedling and microcurrent therapy you can expect:

  • Less frequent appointments
  • No toxins
  • No chemicals
  • Shorter down time / quicker recover
  • Patients report 0 out or 10 pain for the procedure

All-Natural Aesthetics

What sets microneedling apart is its ability to work with your body, encouraging it to heal and rejuvenate from within.

This holistic approach aligns seamlessly with our commitment to all-natural aesthetics. Our specialized practitioner ensures a personalized experience, tailoring microneedling sessions to your skin’s unique needs.

Why choose microneedling over other cosmetic procedures?

The answer lies in its minimally invasive nature and versatility. Unlike more aggressive treatments, microneedling boasts a significantly shorter recovery period of only 24 hours, making it ideal for those seeking effective results without prolonged recovery periods. Its versatility extends to addressing various skin concerns, making it a holistic choice for overall skin rejuvenation.

For a more comprehensive approach to skincare, we harness the synergistic benefits of radiofrequency microneedling with the addition of microcurrent technology.

What is Microcurrent Therapy?

Microcurrent, a low-level electrical current, has emerged as a powerful tool in the realm of facial rejuvenation. When microcurrent is paired with radiofrequency microneedling, this dynamic combination amplifies the transformative effects on the skin.

Microcurrent therapy operates on the principle of stimulating facial muscles, effectively toning and tightening them. This gentle electric stimulation prompts the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of cells, facilitating cellular repair and promoting a more youthful complexion.

As we age, the skin’s natural electrical conductivity diminishes, making microcurrent an invaluable tool to restore vitality.

Combining Microcurrent Therapy & Radiofrequency Microneedling

When seamlessly integrated with radiofrequency microneedling, the benefits of this combination are amplified.

While microneedling stimulates collagen production and tightens the skin, microcurrent complements these effects by addressing muscle tone and facial contours.

Together, they create a comprehensive solution that rejuvenates both the surface and underlying structures of the skin.

This harmonious blend of technologies at Kirkland Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine ensures a delicate balance between natural aesthetics and advanced technology, guiding you toward a more radiant, youthful, and revitalized appearance.

At our clinic, we redefine beauty by honoring your body’s inherent grace, guiding you on a journey towards feeling your best from the inside out.

Call today 425-229-4920 to schedule an appointment to experience our all-natural facial rejuvenation with the expert care and innovative techniques at Kirkland Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine.