08 Aug Utilizing Acupuncture and Natural Therapies for Treating Premenstrual Syndrome and Menstrual Cramps
PMS and dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps) are a very common reasons women seek treatment with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
Chinese medicine and acupuncture have a long and rich history of successfully treating gynecological issues. Even today, many women seek this style of treatment for a number of female health concerns. Acupuncture is an all-natural, holistic method that is an effective, safe option that responds well to the treatment of PMS and menstrual cramping. The key is to give it ample time before discerning if it is working. In my experience, the time of progress is typically based on how long one’s symptoms have been present. The longer they have been there, the longer the treatment could take. It has been my experience that women younger than 25 typically respond fairly quickly, while women in their 30’s and 40’s may need a bit more time. Even in a worst-case scenario, where the woman has had long-term and severe symptoms, I would expect that the woman’s overall health should improve greatly within 2 months of weekly treatment.
In Chinese Medicine, PMS and cramping are most often attributed to an underlying liver imbalance that is based on qi/energy and blood stagnation. The liver is responsible for balancing circulation within the body. Pain from cramping pain and PMS are indications that the blood is congealed and qi has become stuck. The primary reason for liver qi and blood stagnation is emotional in nature and is specifically related to the suppression of frustration and anger. When you feel stuck in your life and you don’t have a creative outlet, the natural byproduct is anger and frustration. Continued attachment to these emotions makes us feel stuck on all levels and the body will mirror this stagnation by impairing the circulation of qi and blood through the liver meridian. Thus, causing pain, mood swings, and further emotional distress.
Blood stagnation in the liver may causing cramping can also be caused by abuse at the onset of menses. Whether it is physical, sexual, or verbal abuse, these external reinforcements can shut down our blood circulation as a protective measure against injury of any kind. In my practice, I have seen women with severe and prolonged cramping that over time have confided in me that they was once some form of abuse. When I explain that their menstrual imbalances are probably related to this, many of them intuitively resonate with this as true, which is the first step in starting the healing process.
Many women do not realize that this is not normal and that they do not have resigned themselves to just putting up with the uncomfortable symptoms each month. When I explain that acupuncture and herbs work very well, many women do not believe me until they start to see changes in their cycles. They no longer doubled over in pain for days; How does this work? Acupuncture is exceptional at moving stuck qi and blood. The needles primary function is to disperse energy and promote the circulation of qi and blood thus, balancing the flow of qi in the liver meridian. To enhance the acupuncture and make it more powerful, I use a variety of Chinese herbal formulas, below is a list of the most common ones I use. Please keep in mind when reviewing my suggestions that it is always best to pursue natural treatments under the guidance of a skilled practitioner.
Chinese Herbs
- Xiao Yao Wan:
- This is the quintessential gynecological formula and one of the most popular herbal formulas throughout Chinese Medical history. This formula regulates liver qi and strengthens the spleen. It is excellent for PMS with mild to moderate cramping, change in mood, fatigue, and bloating during menses.
- Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan:
- This is the same formula as above but it adds in herbs to clearing heat. These symptoms may be more severe such as: cramping irritability, headaches, and possible increased body temperature.
- Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang:
- This formula moves liver blood and warms the lower abdominal. Often times cold in the lower abdomen may cause cramping but is alleviated by adding heat.
- Gui Zhi Ful Ling Wan: This formula is used for treating fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, and cramping.
Nutritional Supplements
- Krill Oil:
- This is an essential fatty acid and essential fatty acids are excellent for reducing inflammation and pain, stabilizing mood, and helping to regulate estrogen and progesterone (especially krill oil). If krill oil too expensive or not available go ahead and take standard fish oil starting at 3,000mg daily.
- 5 htp:
- This is a natural precursor to serotonin that is helpful for stabilizing moods and reducing cravings. It is also useful for stabilizing mood, insomnia and fatigue.
- Calcium:
- Calcium has been proven to improve mood and reduce water retention with a dosage of 1000-1336 mg/day.
- Magnesium:
- Research has associated a deficiency is magnesium as causative factor in PMS (use 360mg 3x/day)
- Vitamin E:
- A reduction of PMS symptoms has been clinically show with the daily use of 100-400 IU
- Vitamin B12:
- Women are often deficient in Vitamins B12 and folic acid which can lead to blood imbalances from the Chinese medicine perspective.
Dietary Recommendations
Food therapy can go a long way in healing PMS and cramping. The traditional American creates a host of problems including hormonal imbalances, slow metabolism and low serotonin levels. Here are a few suggestions to consider when using food to help symptoms of PMS and cramping:
- Eat an organic, whole foods diet: Eating organic means that the food is free from pesticides, added hormones and other synthetic additives. Channing this one thing in your diet should profoundly benefit your health.
- Avoid processed sugar: Processed foods, especially with refined sugar, should be avoided to heal PMS and cramping.
- Avoid coffee and caffeine: Coffee is one of the main culprits that aggravate cysts and fibrocystic conditions. It is also an irritant to the liver and colon and in Chinese Medicine, can cause blood stagnation over time. If you need caffeine, green tea is a better option as it has multiple benefits.
- Drink a lot of water: Our bodies need more water to function than we realize. Everyone should be drinking ½ your body weight in ounces. This allows the body to circulate qi and blood properly.
- Get plenty of exercise: Finding ways to mange stress is key in treating PMS and cramping. Try to get at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Yoga and meditation are very beneficial in improving circulations and moving blockades.
I hope after reading this article that you feel more encouraged that there are steps you can take for relieving the symptoms of PMS and cramping that you might not have known about. Don’t forget, natural therapies take time as they have a cumulative effect over a few weeks. Be consistent in your treatment (which often is difficult without some professional guidance) and you should make significant improvements.